Reporting to Parents

At Noorat Primary School we believe that a child’s education is strengthened by quality relationships and a valued partnership between school and home. The small school difference - being a small school, we value the partnerships we make with families which is why staff make themselves available for a quick chat at the end of each day by walking students to the gate.

Live reporting

Schools are required to provide a written student report at least twice a year to the parents or carers of each child enrolled at the school. Schools are required to report against the Victorian Curriculum F-10 achievement standards, which includes towards foundation levels A-D. Both achievement and progress against the achievement standards are required to be included in the student report. Opportunities must be provided for parents/carers and students to discuss the school report with teachers and/or school leaders.

We value timely and relevant feedback to parents on the progress of their child’s learning which is why we choose to complete live reporting in an ongoing capacity across the year. This means we provide written feedback, along with photo / video evidence throughout each term across all areas of our curriculum. Each student will also receive their formal mid-year and end-of-year report with progress marked against the Victorian Curriculum F-10 achievement standards along with highly personalised individual student comments.

3-Way Conferences

Each year in Terms 1 and 3 every parent / carer is encouraged to make a time to meet with their child’s classroom teacher to discuss progress. Students are encouraged to attend so they can share their learning, thinking processes, and experiences within school. The aim of the conference is for students to explain to parents, using examples, how far they have progressed throughout the semester. Parents also have the opportunity to discuss any concerns without their child present if they wish.